Sai Karthik

Balancing the braces ...

Eco Friendly Software

May 19, 2024 | 1 minute read

Since the end of year 2022, I have mostly switched to using free and opensource programs which use less computer resources.

One of the main reason to switch is that these programs:

  • improve my workflow
  • extend the life span of my hardware
  • can be highly customizable
  • config can be saved in a text file which is easy to backup

List of some programs i use:

Today, I felt surprised that there is an initiative by the German government’s environment agency to certify software products as “Blue Angel”. The three main categories of the Blue Angel award criteria for desktop software are:

(A) Resource & Energy Efficiency

(B) Potential Hardware Operating Life

(C) User Autonomy

The first FOSS computer program to be certified “Blue Angel” is KDE’s Okular!

Personally, I believe that all Linux FOSS CLI/TUI programs & window managers are eligible for the “Blue Angel” certification 😆

KDE has a dedicated page explaining all aspects of the programme here

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Tags: eco-software